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#9IS80-7000-03 Libra S50 w/Bluetooth. Scanning UV/Vis w/Colour Touchscreen,
#9IS80-7000-03 Libra S50 w/Bluetooth. Scanning UV/Vis w/Colour Touchscreen,
Our Price: $7,386.92

Product Code: 9IS80-7000-03

Description Technical Specs Addt'l Info
Libra S50 with Bluetooth. Stand alone  scanning UV/Visible spectrophotometer with Colour Touchscreen, USB interface for data/method storage and Built in Bluetooth accessory. Split beam optical configuration with long life Xenon lamp source and 2nm bandwid
Split beam stand-alone scanning UV/Vis spectrophotometer covering 190-1100nm 2nm bandwidth All application software is built in - no extra modules to buy Long life Xenon lamp technology for low cost of ownership Colour Touch screen display with easy to use software Multi-user analytical instrument with secure login USB ports for method and result storage plus connection to a PC