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#9IS80-7000-10 Libra S60PC. PC scanning UV/Visi Dble beam
#9IS80-7000-10 Libra S60PC. PC scanning UV/Visi Dble beam
Our Price: $8,062.58

Product Code: 9IS80-7000-10

Description Technical Specs Addt'l Info
Libra S60PC. PC controlled scanning UV/Visible spectrophotometer. Double beam optical configuration with long life Xenon lamp source and 2nm bandwidth. Supplied with Resolution PC software including  Quick Read, Quick Scan,
Double beam stand-alone scanning UV/Vis spectrophotometer covering 190-1100nm 2nm bandwidth Long life Xenon lamp technology for low cost of ownership PC controlled for a flexible and cusomizable instrument Powerful Resolution Software included. Optional Life Science and 21 CFR software modules Optional IQ/OQ documentation