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#9IS80-7000-33 Libra S80 w/Bluetooth Variable Bandwidth, Pharma Scanning UV/Visi Dble beam w/Colour Touchscreen
#9IS80-7000-33 Libra S80 w/Bluetooth Variable Bandwidth, Pharma Scanning UV/Visi Dble beam w/Colour Touchscreen
Our Price: $12,638.96

Product Code: 9IS80-7000-33

Description Technical Specs Addt'l Info
Libra S80 with Bluetooth. Stand alone, Variable Bandwidth, European Pharmacopoeia compliant scanning UV/Visible spectrophotometer with Colour Touchscreen, USB interface for data/method storage and Built in Bluetooth accessory. Double beam optical configuration
Double beam UV/Vis spectrophotometer covering 190-1100nm Variable bandwidth (0.5nm, 1nm, 2nm, 4nm) and toluene in hexane ratio >2.0* for EP compliance Compact design Colour Touch screen display with easy to use software built in USB connectivity for method and results storage plus connection to a PC Resolution PC software included. Optional module for 21CFRpart 11 compliance